Saturday, 10 September 2022

Heraclea Update - Phalangites and Cavalry

I've still been managing to find some time after work each day to chip away at the Heraclea project. I've been working on the Phalanx (closing in on halfway) and some Cavalry this week. All figures are from Victrix and are great to work with. I find Victrix to be so far ahead of the rest when it comes to plastics. From sculpt detail, size, to ease of assembly, these guys pump out great quality figures and I'd genuinely recommend them to anyone who asks.

Still unsure of how I'll base these up and have decided to leave shields out moving forward for the rest of the project and just sort them out at the end. I'll end up using LBM decals for most of em I'd say. Happy with how the project is ticking along.

Cheers, have a great weekend.


  1. Impressive Successor troops, Nate!

    1. Cheers Dean, just getting back into the swing of things. Happily chipping away. Hope you are well.
