Thursday, 18 August 2011

Warhammer Skaven

After we (the family and I) recently moved home to Queensland from Victoria we sadly discovered a whole box of wargaming figures and terrain went missing..A massive chunk of my Dwarfs, my Son's Skaven and Imperial Guard and a number of other things all vanished. My Son really liked his Skaven so we've decided to rebuild. Thanks to a recent birthday gift from his Great Uncle we've got a nice start to the new Army. Here's a few shots of his new Packmaster with Rat Ogres. He was also given a unit of clanrats which i just need to base up and do the movement tray.



  1. That's pretty upsetting really. Good on you for going for the rebuild - now you can make it even better! Good luck to the Lad!

  2. You must be gutted, I hope they turn up!!!
